Web Research Outlook Add-in
With the Web Research Outlook Add-in you can save e-mail messages from within
Microsoft Outlook as easy as Web
pages in the browser.
Save important newsletters along with their images, articles received in
e-mail, order confirmations, blog posts read in Outlook, etc.
Web Research Outlook Add-in
Key Benefits
- Easy setup and usage
- No security warnings
- Three ways to save: Save in 'New Documents' Folder Now, Save in
Specific Folder, Save As.
- Save screen clippings
- Great look of saved e-mail messages in ContentSaver
- E-mail addresses of sender and recipient are being preserved and remain as clickable links
Movable Toolbar in Outlook
After installing the add-in, you will
find an additional toolbar with several ContentSaver commands in Outlook:

How to Save E-mail Messages
- Select one or several e-mail messages that you
want to save in ContentSaver:

Note: The toolbar above is overlaid only for illustration purposes.
- Now choose one of three commands:
- Save in 'New Documents' folder
- Save in a specific folder
- Save as: Specify title, folder, categories, etc.

- When saving several items, you will see a progress

- When finished, a notification window will appear, which will
automatically disappear after some seconds:

- The saved messages are now stored in
ContentSaver as regular HTML documents. As you can see in the figure
- Names and addresses are embedded as clickable links
- Subject and date are included in the header
- External linked images were downloaded and saved
- Attachments were saved as well

Saving Screen Clippings
You can also save screen clippings from Outlook. For
- Save an email as image for other people
- Save email list with columns
- document Outlook calendar
- capture option settings to undo changes later
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